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Life Is Held In God's Hands

Nurture the Good to Make way for the Holy

Welcome, to Trust The Process.

I’m your host, Claudia, and today’s episode was inspired by another podcast I recently listened to with George Janko. Something he said which sparked a light in me, one that inspired so much wisdom as a result was this: ‘Life is held in God’s hands’.

This episode is also, in part, inspired by the Book of Job in the Bible. Whilst I’ve not studied this book in fullness, there was a particular moment which struck a chord in me w; it was when the devil is speaking to God and remarks that, ‘of course Job worships you, you give him everything he wants!', to which God responds by allowing Satan to test Job, but not permitting him to take his life.

I find there to be so much power in the intricacy of this occurrence. God is the One who is Almighty; God is the One who has the power to give and take life because He created it. God alone is powerful, and everything that is not Holy or of God (however YOU perceive that) which tries to latch onto our negativity, tries to drag us down a dark hole or attempts to cast a shadow over our experience/mind/existence is trying to turn us away from the Light. Who gives it the power to do so? Only us. The only One who actually possesses real power - power equal to the giving and taking of life - is God. Satan, the enemy, our shadow, the darkness, negative frequency(…) - however you wish to describe it - is the energy that tries to steal this knowing from us, to convince us to yield our reverence of the Creator and to bring it unto him, instead, and he does this because even he must receive permission from God to take a life.

After all, as George’s mum said - ‘If God says action, who has the authority to say “cut”?’.

So, when you feel yourself slumping further and further into an abyss, whether it’s a momentary blip of negativity, something that has been building and you’ve been pushing to the side or what seems like a huge boulder in the middle of the road that is there to cause and witness your demise, remember that that “thing” has zero power over you. It’s perceived power is all that you give it, all that you feed it, and the more that you return to God’s word, to prayer, to love, to forgiveness, to compassion and to healing, the more you will be able to confidently step out of the shadow and return into the Light without getting sucked in to its lies.

Remember that this can be a powerful revelation for you regardless of how (or if) you identify religiously. Something to think about, for sure, in all aspects of life, so I encourage you to sit with this and really consider how this could be showing up for you and what you could do to come back to that innate connection that you were born with.

Really hope you enjoy this episode and let me know what you think by reaching out! Comment on Substack, reply via email, reach out to me on socials - I always love hearing from you.

Love, blessings and light,


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Alma Y Tierra
Trust The Process
Host Claudia - a 24 year old writer, yoga teacher, health coach and intuitive guide, takes you along her journey of self exploration, sharing insight into her learnings, musings and discoveries that have paved the way along her spiritual, emotional and Life Journey. Covering all things spiritual, esoteric, personal development and expansion, this podcast aims to inspire you to empower yourself, to step into your Truth and to encourage you to think outside of the box - to question what you think you know, and to tap into your intuitive power that really knows all.